
Hip Housing
HIP Housing’s Mission is to invest in human potential by improving the housing and lives of people in our community. HIP Housing enables people with special needs, either from income or circumstance, to live independent, self-sufficient lives in decent, safe, low-cost homes. To achieve our mission, HIP Housing provides Home Sharing, Self-Sufficiency, and Property Development.
Empowering Lives
HIP Housing empowers families and individuals in San Mateo County to live happier, more independent and self-sufficient lives through innovative housing and mentoring programs that help break the cycle of poverty and end homelessness.
Creative Affordable Housing Solutions
With its unique Home Sharing, Self Sufficiency and Property Development programs, HIP Housing is a leader in providing creative affordable housing solutions for people in San Mateo County. HIP Housing’s self-funding operating model maximizes existing housing stock and ensures that every dollar donated goes directly into programs that positively impact people’s lives.
40-plus Years of Commitment to San Mateo County
For more than 40 years, HIP Housing has demonstrated its strong commitment to helping people in San Mateo County to live better, more independent lives. HIP Housing is uniquely knowledgeable about San Mateo County, and uses that expertise to further its affordable housing and human potential mission on behalf of families and individuals in need.
Investing in Human Potential
Every day, HIP Housing works hard to live up to its name – Human Investment Project – by investing its creativity, resources and passion in helping people to find a safe, affordable home that is so crucial to living a happy, healthy life.

Okizu (oak-eye-zoo) comes from the Sioux language and means unity, to come together, to heal from a hurt, to make whole.
The mission of Okizu is to help all members of families affected by childhood cancer to heal through peer support, respite, mentoring, and recreational programs.
For 38 years, Okizu has been committed to the continuing support of the Oncology, Siblings, Family, Bereavement, and Teens-N-Twenties programs. These programs are the result of a collaborative effort between Okizu and the pediatric oncology treatment centers in Northern California. The specific purpose of Okizu is to operate peer support programs for children and families affected by childhood cancer based on the community-forming nature of a residential camp experience.

Today's Youth Matter
TYM is changing the life trajectory of at-risk youth. Through year-round programming and mentoring relationship, we guide students through a Transformational Journey to instill resilience and fulfill their God given potential.
In lower income communities of the Bay Area, students struggle to overcome the pervasive challenges of crime, racial tension, gangs, violence, low performing schools, lack of resources, fatherlessness, addiction and family instability.
As a result, most end up with an unfulfilled life. Worse, they become part of the problem as adults. Adding to the challenge, many children come from broken homes or are in the foster care system. Heroes, like Ms. Brown are the exception to the rule.
In the face of this very real and tangible poverty, every student responds differently. Some choose to act out in violence, while others choose substance abuse. Some engage in or become victims of sexual assault, and others stay in unhealthy relationships. Too often, their inner belief in themselves as made in the image of God takes a hit simply by living in these unchangeable environments.
TYM seeks to change the path these kids are on. We cannot fix the problems inherent in the community, but we can help our kids find a way up. Our goal is to help kids become part of the solution for themselves and their community. The more kids we help, the more communities can be lifted. Together with Today’s Youth Matter, you can help hurting kids enter a Transformational Journey from elementary school through high school that will change the trajectory of their lives